Philosophy of Design

The approach of technological mediation has implications for the philosophy of design. Designers can anticipate and evaluate the mediations that come with the product or the system they are designing. Also, they can use mediation theory for ‘design with intent’.

The following articles offer more ideas about the relations between mediation theory and design:

Verbeek,P.P. (2015). ‘Beyond Interaction: A Short Introduction to Mediation Theory’. Interactions 22:3, pp. 26-31 ISSN 1072-5520 (download here)

Verbeek, P.P. (2013). ‘Technology Design as Experimental Ethics’. In: S. van den Burg and Tsj. Swierstra, Ethics on the Laboratory Floor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83-100. ISBN 9781137002921 (download here)

Smits, M., B. Bredie, H. Van Goor and P.P. Verbeek (2019). ‘Values that Matter. Mediation Theory and Design for Values‘. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 398–407. (

Hauser, S., D. Oogjes, R. Wakkary, P.P. Verbeek (2018) An Annotated Portfolio on Doing Postphenomenology Through Research Products. In: Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018, New York: ACM, p.p. 459-471, 978-1-4503-5198-0

Hauser, S., R. Wakkary, W. Odom, P.P. Verbeek, A. Desjardins, H. Lin, M. Dalton, M. Schilling, G. de Boer (2018). Deployments of the table-non-table: A Reflection on the Relation Between Theory and Things in the Practice of Design Research. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, pp 201:1-201:13, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5620-6

Verbeek, P.P. (2008), ‘Morality in Design: Design Ethics and the Morality of Technological Artifacts’. In: Pieter E. Vermaas, Peter Kroes, Andrew Light, Steven A. Moore (eds.), Philosophy and Design: from Engineering to Architecture. Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN 978-1-4020-6590-3, pp. 91-103

Verbeek, P.P. (2006), ‘Materializing Morality – design ethics and technological mediation’, in: Science, Technology and Human Values, Vol. 31 no. 3 (May 2006), ISSN 0162-2439, pp. 361-380 (download here).

Verbeek, P.P. (2011). ‘Designing Morality’. In: Ibo van de Poel and Lambèr Royakkers, Ethics, Technology, and Engineering: An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4443-3094-6, pp. 198-216

Tromp, N., P. Hekkert & P.P. Verbeek (2011), ‘Design for Socially Responsible Behavior: A Classification of Influence Based on Intended User Experience’. Design Issues 27:3, ISSN 0747-9360, pp. 3-19

Dorrestijn, S., M. van der Voort, P.P. Verbeek (2014). ‘Future user-product arrangements: Combining product impact and scenarios in design for multi age success’. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 89 (Nov. 2014), pp. 284-292. ISSN: 0040-1625

Dorrestijn, S. and P.P. Verbeek (2013). ‘Technology, Wellbeing, and Freedom: The Legacy of Utopian Design’. In: International Journal of Design. Vol. 7 Nr. 3, pp. 45-56. ISSN: 1991-3761 (download here)