Philosophy of urban technologies: PhD defense Sage Cammers-Goodwin

May 8 2023, Sage Cammers-Goodwin defended her PhD thesis ‘Bridging the Gaps between Humans and their Infrastructure’ at the University of Twente. Supervisors were Michael Nagenborg (UT), Ciano Aydin (UT) and myself. The dissertation serves to bridge the gaps between people and their public digitalized infrastructure. Its goal is to examine how digitalized infrastructure might complicate the relationships between people and public space. Once the forms of disruption are revealed, this piece attempts to discover possible solutions and, unlike most philosophical studies, practically apply them. This research follows the development of the MX3D smart bridge (in the city of Amsterdam) after its physical construction. The sensor component of the bridge along with how the data is accessed, visualized, and communicated to the public, continued to evolve long after the bridge was finished 3D printing in 2018. More information: